Both Tackle and Flag Registration is now closed
Looking for Summer Camp Options?
Summer Camp with Eforce Sports
Eat out and support Nelson Youth Football, tell them you are with Nelson Youth Football
8/13 - 5:00PM to 9:00PM Stickmen Brewing 10% of proceeds go to league. Be sure to mention Nelson Youth Football
8/26 week of, Cookie Dough / Popcorn fundraiser begins
Welcome to our inaugural year of Nelson Youth Football. We are looking forward to the future and growing our program. We believe in working closely with the High School football program and staff and creating a seamless transition into High School football for our 8th grade class. We are always looking for active volunteers to help with the many tasks of running a youth sports program. If this sounds like you please contact Josh Callahan -
Nelson Youth Football
Phone: (503) 753-9894